Do Succulents Like Humidity?

Succulents don’t like humidity, generally. They can, however, thrive in locations with humidity levels of 80-100 percent on average. If your area has these kinds of levels, it is advisable to keep your plant indoors.

Succulents are native to dry arid regions with little humidity, thus they like to live in dry environments. Succulents will rot, wilt, and die as humidity raises the moisture level in the soil. Humidity may also cause plant-fungal problems, as all types of fungi thrive in damp and wet environments, which aids their ability to grow.


As we discuss, do succulents like humidity, let’s check what is humidity and which succulents can be easily grown in humid climates.

What is Humidity?

  • The amount of water vapour in the air is referred to as humidity. It becomes humid when there is more water in the air.
  • A hygrometer or an electronic sensor that monitors relative humidity is used to measure humidity ( percent RH).
  • RH (Relative Humidity) can range from 0 to 100%.

High Humidity 

If the relative humidity (RH) exceeds 40%, there are too many particles present for perspiration to evaporate. This may result in an excessive amount of heat and moisture, which could be harmful to your succulents. Rain, fog, or a profusion of plants and trees around your succulents can all contribute to this.

Low Humidity 

If the RH is lower than 40%, it means that there aren’t enough particles in the air to absorb any sweat. Low humidity will result, causing your succulents to dry up and become brittle. The heat from a stove or fire, an air conditioner, or excessive cold can all induce this.

Why Is Humidity Important to Succulents?

  • Succulents cannot survive high levels of wetness or excessive heat since the air and soil where they come from are extremely dry.
  • Succulents need humidity to manage their water intake. Without humidity, the air and soil are extremely dry, forcing the plant to constantly collect moisture from its environment in order to thrive.
  • As a result of this absorption, the plant’s leaves will droop as they strive to absorb more of the little water available around them.
  • This might cause your succulents to droop or even die on a hot day!
  • Also, it changes the water balance within each cell, a hot and humid environment can stress out your outdoor succulent garden much faster.
  • It also increases the likelihood of pests (mealybugs, snails, or slugs) invasion; pest damage reduces overall plant health.
  • Feeling for dryness in the soil or mild wilting is the easiest way to know if your houseplant needs additional humidity. If this happens, you’ll probably need to boost the moisture level in that region by spraying it occasionally, as long as it doesn’t get too humid.

Best Humidity Conditions for Succulents?

  1. It’s important to know how your plants grow and how much water they need before settling on a humidity level.
  2. Succulents, in general, do well in low humidity environments because their leaves can hold more moisture than other succulent species.
  3. Succulents do not enjoy humidity, but they can tolerate it for a limited time.
  4. The optimal humidity levels for succulents are between 40 and 60 percent. If the humidity level rises above this level, the risk of rot and fungal illness rises.
  5. Due to poor drainage and excess standing water on top of succulent roots, too much moisture from high humidity conditions can cause root rot.
  6. Furthermore, increased amounts of atmospheric water content may raise the risk of fungal disease during the summer months due to higher levels of ambient heat (higher temperatures).

How to Measure the Humidity Levels for Succulents?

  • A hygrometer is an ideal tool for measuring humidity levels in succulents.
  • This device can be used within your grow room. It will assist you in taking daily readings.
  • Because they operate better with greater temperatures, all of these measurements should be taken in Fahrenheit degrees (this temperature scale measures water vapour content).
  • If the humidity level is above 75% during the summer, there may be too much moisture pooling on top of their roots, causing them to rot and die.

Succulents And Humidity

Succulents are humidity sensitive, whereas other plants require a lot of humidity to exist and would thrive in a humid subtropical climate.  They are more vulnerable to harm. However, growing succulents in high humidity is not difficult. All you have to do now is keep a close check on them.

Succulents That Like Humidity

Succulents that are hard to kill and are native to humid climates should be your first choice to grow in high humidity. Make sure they get plenty of sunlight as well.

Succulents are often associated with dry, arid climates, however, certain succulents prefer humidity. Succulents that thrive in humid environments include


Long, pointed leaves with tiny spikes running the length of each leaf distinguish this plant. The succulent may reach a height of 30 feet and is colored in shades of green, grey, and blue. Aloe plants are available in two sizes: Full size and dwarf size. The full-sized plant can be planted outside, while the dwarf aloes will look great on your kitchen counter. The aloe plant is low-maintenance and difficult to kill. Furthermore, aloe gel can be used directly from the plant.

Cooperi Delosperma

In terms of how much moisture it requires, this is a one-of-a-kind succulent. While many succulents can survive without water, this plant requires a lot of it to survive, making it ideal for humid regions.

This plant features brilliant green foliage and colourful flowers that are peach, yellow, or pink in hue. This is succulent for you if you want to add some vibrancy to your home or garden.

 Portulacaria Afra

This succulent is endemic to South Africa and is also known as the elephant bush. Elephants enjoy eating this shrub, hence its other name (elephant bush). The Portulacaria Afra can reach a height of 20 feet, making it an excellent addition to your garden. Because of their similar look, they are frequently mistaken for a sort of jade plant.

The round, thick leaves of this succulent are linked to a robust, brown stalk, giving it a tree-like look. When you first buy the plant, though, it will appear to be a small, dense shrub. The elephant bush is noted for its ability to resist a wide range of environments and can withstand a great deal of neglect before dying.

Kalanchoe Sexangularis

Another succulent that may be kept in a high humidity environment is the Kalanchoe Sexangularis. It has a long lifespan and is difficult to eradicate. The leaves are half-folded in appearance and might be green or wine red in colour. If you set the plant in direct sunshine, you will see the gorgeous red hue. This is also a good choice if you’re looking for a fun succulent to keep indoors. It can reach a maximum height of 1.5 metres.


This is the plant for you if you want a very exquisite, attractive succulent. Because of its unusual look, it is sometimes referred to as the blushing beauty. Succulents have thick leaves that are shaped like flowers. The ends of the leaves appear to have been dipped in a faint crimson or copper paint.

The blushing beauty is an excellent plant for high humidity since it is hardy and adaptable to a variety of environments. The plant will not die if the temperature is too high, but it will go dormant. If you buy this plant, it will thrive in mild shade or full sun.


The pointed leaves and rosette shape of this succulent make it stand out. The plant can be found in a variety of sizes, ranging from little counter-top plants to large floor plants. This plant is well-known for its hardiness and resistance to disease. The agave succulent can thrive in a wide range of climates, from frigid winters to hot, humid summers. This succulent is an excellent choice if you want a low-maintenance plant.

Crassula Ovata

The crassula ovata, often known as the jade plant, has round, thick, water-filled leaves that grow in pairs on the stem. Because of its gorgeous appearance, this succulent is one of the most popular. The leaves of the Crassula Ovata range in colour from light to dark green, with a hint of scarlet on the edges, when exposed to direct sunshine.

This succulent is native to Mozambique and South Africa, making it one of the hardiest succulents. The plant may grow in a variety of lighting situations and is very easy to maintain.

Tips to Care for Your Succulent in High Humidity

In harsh climates, caring for a succulent can be difficult. Here are a few pointers to remember:

  • Allow your succulent to bask in the sun every day.
  • Succulents thrive in direct sunlight, and direct sunlight will protect them from the effects of excessive humidity. Every morning, take your succulent outside and put it in the sun for six hours. Bring it inside after that.
  • This can be difficult if you work during the day or have large, heavy succulents to transport. Don’t worry if you can’t do it every day. There are a few more easy-to-implement suggestions for you.
  • Invest in a grow light or put your plant on the window sill.
  • If your succulent cannot be exposed to direct sunshine, placing it on a window sill can assist to reduce humidity. Make a survey of your home and select the window with the lightest exposure. Depending on where you reside, this will likely be the north or south-facing windows.
  • Seasons vary, and you may not be able to catch as much sun during the winter months. This is when you should invest in a grow lamp. It can assist the succulent in obtaining the necessary light exposure.
  • Even while certain succulents do not require much light, in a humid location, it is critical to boosting their sun time. This will keep the plant from decaying, growing mould, or dying as a result of the lack of water or excess moisture.
  • Incorporate Pumice into Your Soil

It’s critical to keep your succulents dry if you reside in a region with a lot of humidity. Adding pumice to your soil will reduce the amount of moisture retained in the soil significantly. You can cover the entire pot with pumice if your plant becomes excessively wet and moist. Also, make sure your planter includes drainage holes.

Succulent Humidifier

For succulents, the appropriate humidifier placement is crucial. If you must use an ultrasonic humidifier for plants, keep it at a safe distance.

By the time the mist reaches your succulent plants, some of it will have dissipated. You must also know how long to leave the humidifier on. Thankfully, with modern humidifiers, this should only take a few minutes.

List Of A Few Succulents Humidifier

Do Cactus Like Humidity?

Cacti also prefer dry, arid climates with little humidity. Although many cacti have evolved to greater humidity environments, they cannot thrive in highly humid environments.

For cactus plants, the optimal relative humidity is from 40 to 60 percent. During the summer, most homes will record this temperature, and most plants will thrive. If a plant is having trouble adjusting to this humidity level, simply spritz it softly and everything will be fine.


Q: Do Succulents reduce humidity?

A: Cacti and succulents are noted for their capacity to survive in extreme temperatures. Aloes, euphorbias, a few palms, and Yucca plants are all suitable examples. These plants feature hairy or waxy leaves and thick stems that assist them to catch and holding water from the air while reducing humidity.

Q: Can succulents increase humidity?

A: Almost all plants produce some humidity, but some are far more effective humidifiers than others. Plants with big, broad leaves (such as many rainforest plants) humidify the air more effectively than those with long and pointed or small, rounded leaves like cacti and succulents.

Q: Is the bathroom too humid for succulents?

A: Most succulents, particularly cacti, cannot thrive for long in a bathroom. This is because succulents prefer bright sunshine, dry environments, and low humidity. Some succulents, on the other hand, prefer partial to full shadow and moderate humidity and can thrive in a bathroom with some filtered indirect light.

Q: Do succulents need a lot of sun?

A: Ensure that your succulents receive enough light.

Succulents require approximately six hours of direct sunlight per day, depending on the species of succulent. Because newly planted succulents can scorch in direct sunlight, you may need to gradually expose them to the full sun or shade them with a transparent curtain.


Succulents cannot survive high levels of wetness or excessive heat since the air and soil where they come from are extremely dry. They may thrive in low-humidity situations. If your succulents become too dry or you want them to develop faster, a humidifier may be required to maintain these conditions. Different types of succulents need a different levels of humidity, so do your research and make sure to provide the correct environment.


Nikita is a Succulent lover. She really enjoys planting and nourishing them. She loves to share information about various Succulents on this blog to aware people more about these awesome plants.

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